Friday, September 9, 2011

Bombs in Milky Way

The Milky Way may contain thousands of 'bombs

Research shows that some old stars are kept alive by the rapidity of its rotation, when it slows, they explode as supernovae.Will resolve the mystery of the supernova known as 'Ia'.

New research has determined that some old stars are kept alive because of the speed of rotation and when it slows down, they explode as supernovae. This study, conducted in the Harvard-Smithsonian Center has solved the mystery of the supernova known as 'Ia'.

Rosanne Di Stefano researcher, explained that when a white dwarf gains mass accelerates its spin and if it moves fast enough may cross the barrier of 1.4 solar masses and becomes a massive star Chandrasekhar type. However, if you stop stealing material, the white dwarf its speed gradually decreases and eventually, the turn is not enough to counteract gravity, leading to a Type Ia supernova.

Scientists estimate that the galaxy there are three type Ia supernovae every thousand years

In this sense, experts say the speed difference can mean a delay of up to one billion years between the end of the mass gain and exploding in a supernova. This would allow the companion star evolved into a second white dwarf and to dispel any material around.

Scientists estimate that the galaxy there are three type Ia supernovae every thousand years. If a supermassive white dwarf takes millions of years will slow down and explode, estimates suggest that dozens of systems should be prepared to explode a few thousand light years from Earth. Now the challenge for astronomers is to find them.

Di Stefanno stressed that no cases were found in the Milky Breastfeed to, but noted that recent studies suggest that there have been looking for the correct signs. Now, the intention of the scientists is to modify the search of stars as "precursors of supernovae." This, according to noted scientist, you have to find small amounts of hydrogen and helium near the supernova explosion, some measurements were made so far.

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